What's left?
$ 0.00

Available money

What are you starting with?

Subtract your upcoming expenses.

Here's a list of common expenses cadets and midshipmen might have, from graduation to the first couple years of service. Not all may apply to you.

High-interest debt
Class ring
Typically $1,000 to $3,000
Include value, tax, title and license
Typically $1,000 to $3,000
After-graduation living
Typically $5,000
Other life events
For the next 3 years or so
Emergency fund
Why it's important
Total expenses
$ 0.00
What's left?
$ 0.00

If you have extra money:

  • Use the rest for items you know are coming up that weren't listed.
  • Give each category a buffer. Remember this is just a plan. When the actual cost occurs and you have extra, it just means more in your bank account for something else.
  • Give your emergency fund a boost. It's better to prepare than to spend more than you need. That way you're not left empty-handed later.

If you've already run out:

  • Decide if your expenses are needs or wants. Consider cutting the wants in half until you've established the actual costs.
  • If you're planning to buy a vehicle, consider something more affordable that still meets your needs. Leave the bells and whistles for later in your career. Remember, vehicles are not a profitable investment.