Get covered in 3 easy steps.

  1. Step 1: Find out what you need.

    USAA offers international auto, renters and Valuable Personal Property insurance while you're stationed or living overseas.

    We offer coverage options to protect your things during shipment.

  2. Step 2: Get a quote.

    If your move is more than 30 days away, you can get a quote online today.

  3. Step 3: Finalize your quote.

    We'll help cover your vehicle during shipment. To finalize your quote within 30 days of shipment, contact us.

Help protect your car and property abroad.

Has your vehicle arrived in Puerto Rico?

  • You can continue to keep your vehicle registered in the continental U.S.
  • If you register your vehicle in Puerto Rico, you'll receive an insurance voucher from USAA in addition to your insurance ID card.
  • Your auto policy renewal requires a prepayment about 30 days before the renewal date. USAA will send you a reminder letter with the prepayment amount.
  • Your premium will be divided into three installments. The first installment is a prepayment, followed by two consecutive monthly payments.
  • Your auto policy extends coverage to nonowned vehicles in the United States, its territories and possessions.

Returning to the United States?

Once you've removed your name from the vehicle registration and taken all the insurance documents out of the vehicle, you can cancel insurance at any time. But you must pay a premium for any coverage you've received. If you're shipping your vehicle to the U.S., you'll need to keep it covered by your Puerto Rican policy until it arrives.