What's term life insurance?

Term life insurance provides coverage with a guaranteeSee note1 that monthly payments are fixed for a specific time period. Term policies typically offer the most coverage for the least cost. Payment of the benefit to your beneficiaries is guaranteed as long as premiums are paid.

Who it's for

Life insurance isn't really for you. It's for those you care about. You may want term coverage to help replace your income for a number of years or pay off any debt you may have, like a mortgage or car loan. USAA Term policies also include features designed for active-duty servicemembers.

Compare our term policies.

Both USAA Level TermSee note2 and Eagle ExpressSee note3 offer benefits for active duty servicemembers, including Military Protection Plus and the option to add coverage equal to your SGLISee note4 without a medical exam when you separate or retire.

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Level Term

Easily add coverage as your needs change.

  • Eligible ages 18-70
  • Policies from $100k to $10m
  • Medical exam required
  • Add coverage if you have a child, get married or buy a home
  • Option to convert to a permanent policy after one year

USAA Eagle Express

Apply and get covered in just a few minutesSee note5

  • Eligible ages 18-60
  • Policies from $100k to $1m
  • No medical exam for those who qualify
  • Same-day coverage if approved

How much life insurance do I need?

We suggest that you have enough coverage to pay off any debt you have and replace your income for at least five years. Even if you're starting with minimum coverage, having some life coverage is better than none. Let us help you figure out how much coverage is right for your needs.

Calculate coverage needs  (opens new window)

Why choose term life insurance through USAA?

You should buy life insurance from a company that you trust to be there for the people who matter most to you. Our dedicated Survivor Relations team will help your family understand their options and make the right decisions for their needs.

What if term isn't right for me?

Permanent life insurance may be the better choice if you want to help offset costs that you'll have later in life like long-term care, retirement and funeral costs. Some permanent policies may also build cash value.

Learn more about Permanent life insurance (opens new window)

Term life insurance FAQ

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We're here to help.

Start the conversation about your financial needs and we'll show you how our term life insurance products can help. Speak to a USAA representative at 800-531-LIFE (5433), Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT

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