USAA Life Insurance Company (USAA Life Insurance Company of New York)
Ready to start planning for the life you want in retirement?
Schedule a call with a Retirement Income Specialist when it's convenient for you.
Balancing Your Retirement Income
Figure provided for example. Balanced retirement income plans depend on your personal finances.
PortfolioSee noteSee note a
See notea For investments solutions, you can work with our strategic providers, Schwab and Victory Capital.
Live comfortably in retirement.
When you stop working, you want to continue living the same life you lived before. Protecting your retirement income with a balanced plan can help reduce market risk and put you on a path to reaching your retirement goals.
Whether you're just starting to save or already living in retirement, now is a good time to start planning for your future life in retirement. We can work with you to create a plan, so your standard of living remains the same when you retire.
Call a USAA Retirement Income Specialist at 800-531-3392.
Plan for retirement income with an annuity.
Hear how members built their retirement income strategy.
Is your retirement plan balanced?
Our approach to retirement considers income, growth and protection. We'll help you manage risks like inflation, Social Security and more.
Are you prepared to navigate retirement risks?
Retirees must plan for Social Security, medical costs, inflation and longevity risks. Watch now to see how.
Spend the way you want during retirement.
Hear from other retirees on how income annuities help give them the freedom to spend in retirement.
Do you have a retirement income plan?
Now that you're retired, you may have questions on how to make your income last. See how...
Keep your retirement goals in sight.
As you look toward the future, think about the income you'll need to support your retirement lifestyle. Here are some things to consider when creating a plan for your future:
Consider Cost of Living
The rising costs of basic necessities can impact your spending in retirement.
Create a Budget
A budget that includes your income sources and expenses can help give an overall view of how long your savings may last.
Find Money Gaps
There may be additional ways for you to generate a new stream of income that you may not have thought of.
Cover Daily Expenses
Guaranteed sources of income like Social Security, pensions and annuities can help cover your everyday basic needs.
Examine Spending Habits and Life Changes
Military separation and other life changes can affect your day-to-day spending. Monitoring habits like overspending can help you prepare for living with a fixed income.
Consider Market Volatility
Your assets and investment income could be vulnerable to inflation and market volatility over time. Products like annuities could help ensure you don't outlive your savings.
Anticipate Medical Costs
With age comes the possibility of increased medical expenses. Proper planning may help you offset unexpected medical costs and living assistance your health insurance may not cover.
Look for Legal Changes
Over time, taxes, Social Security, retirement and military benefits may change due to new laws or guidelines. Staying informed can help you better understand what to expect and how it may affect your life in retirement.
Keep your retirement goals in sight.
As you look toward the future, think about the income you'll need to support your retirement lifestyle. Here are some things to consider when creating a plan for your future:
How prepared are you for retirement?
Calculate Your Retirement Gaps
The retirement income calculator can help you see where the gaps are between your expenses and income, whether you're preparing for retirement or already retired.
Calculate Your Social Security Benefits
The Social Security calculator can help you estimate your benefits and learn how your age can impact the amount you'll receive during your retirement.
Prepare for your retirement income strategy.
In our free e-book, you'll learn about immediate annuities and how they've helped other members achieve financial freedom.
With a few questions, a retirement income specialist can help calculate your retirement income needs. If you find gaps, they'll explain how an immediate annuity could help.
Use our worksheet to understand your ideal life in retirement, risks and questions you should ask your specialist. This will help you prepare for a productive conversation about your needs.

Prepare for your retirement income strategy.
Get support along your retirement journey.
Your decisions today can impact the retirement life you want later. Keep your long-term financial goals a reality and consider these options to help you achieve them:
Deferred Annuities
Deferred annuities are long-term retirement savings that grow tax-deferred over time. When you're ready to retire, you can choose a lump sum withdrawal or payments.See note1
Learn More About Deferred Annuities
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
An IRA is specifically for retirement and offers potential tax advantages. Whether you choose a traditional or Roth IRA, you can invest in a wide range of options to help your money grow faster.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance can help give your family peace of mind when they need it the most. It can be used to replace your income, cover burial expenses, pay off debt or leave a legacy. Most importantly, it can provide security for your family's financial future.
When you have a fixed income, unexpected events can affect your lifestyleSee note1. To counter these, think about ways to protect your income and lifestyle for quality living.
Immediate Annuities
Immediate annuities are typically purchased closer to retirement, with payments to start within 12 months.
Learn More About Immediate Annuities
Prepare for Long-term Care
You may find yourself needing care or living assistance later in life. Making plans for long-term care helps your well-being, and it may help protect your hard-earned income.
Create Withdrawal Plans
Traditional IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement accounts often allow contribution and investment gains to grow tax-deferred until age 73. Every year after that, you must take a required minimum distribution (RMD). RMDs not taken have 25% penalties.
Understand Social Security Benefits
Waiting to start your benefits may mean a bigger monthly check to stabilize your finances. As you decide when to claim benefits, consider your health, marital status, financial needs and job status.
Secure a Reliable Stream of Income
Help maintain your financial security when you retire with guaranteed payments.See note2 You can secure lifelong income and receive regular payments that fit your retirement needs by opening a Single Premium Immediate Annuity or SPIA.
Get support along your retirement journey.
Your decisions today can impact the retirement life you want later. Keep your long-term financial goals a reality and consider these options to help you achieve them:
Deferred Annuities
Deferred annuities are long-term retirement savings that grow tax-deferred over time. When you're ready to retire, you can choose a lump sum withdrawal or payments.See note1
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
An IRA is specifically for retirement and offers potential tax advantages. Whether you choose a traditional or Roth IRA, you can investment in a wide range of options to help your money grow faster.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance can help give your family peace of mind when they need it the most. It can be used to replace your income, cover burial expenses, pay off debt or leave a legacy. Most importantly, it can provide security for your family's financial future.