Get the car insurance coverage you need.

The right car insurance coverage could save you thousands after an accident. It helps cover damage to your vehicle as well as damages and injuries you cause if you hit someone. If you don't have enough car insurance, you could be on the hook for more than you can afford. Take a look at the types of coverage we offer,See note1 and get a quote for what you need.


Comprehensive coverage helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's damaged from an incident like hitting an animal, fire or flooding, glass damage, and hail. It's often required if you're leasing or financing your car.

Example: A tree branch falls on your parked car and causes $3,000 in damage. After you pay your $1,000 deductible, your policy typically covers the remaining $2,000.


Collision coverage helps pay for damages to your vehicle from an incident related to driving, such as collisions with stationary objects and collisions with other vehicles. It's often required if you're leasing or financing your car.

Example: You hit a pole backing out of a tight space in a parking garage. The damage to your car costs $1,500 to repair. After you pay your $500 deductible, your policy typically covers the remaining $1,000.


Liability coverage helps protect your assets if you're found legally responsible for the injury or death of another person resulting from a car accident. It also helps pay to repair or replace the other person's damaged property.

Example: You hit and injure another driver. They have $20,000 in medical bills and $10,000 in damage to their car. Liability insurance doesn't have deductibles, but it does have limits. You're covered up to the limits of your policy.

Uninsured and Underinsured

These coverages may pay for injuries to you and your passengers if you're in an accident caused by a driver who either doesn't have insurance or doesn't have enough coverage. Depending on where you live, they may also help with repairing damage to your vehicle, even in a hit-and-run.

Example: You're injured in an accident where the other driver is at fault, and they don't have insurance or enough coverage. Uninsured and underinsured coverage could help pay for medical expenses for you or your passengers. If your vehicle is damaged in the accident and you don't have collision coverage, uninsured and underinsured coverages might help pay for repairs.

We can help keep you on the road with the auto coverage you need.

Get protection for yourself, your passengers and your car.

What do people mean by full coverage for my car?

You may be surprised that full coverage doesn't exist as an option when buying car insurance. Your bank or lender may require it, though. They're usually referring to physical damage coverage including collision and comprehensive, along with the minimum liability coverage amounts that most states and some lenders require. The physical damage coverage can help pay for repairs to your car for covered losses like damage from hitting an object or flooding, and liability may help pay the medical expenses when you're responsible for injuring someone.

How much car insurance do you need?

  • Required Coverage

    • Many states require drivers to carry a minimum amount of liability coverage. Depending on your assets, you may want to explore additional coverage

    • If you're making payments on your car, your lender or leasing company may require you to keep collision and comprehensive coverage on your policy

  • Optional Coverage

    • Roadside assistance,See note2 which can help if you're broken down and need a tow

    • Rental reimbursement,See note3 which can help pay for a rental car while your car is in the shop for repairs after a covered loss

How do deductibles work?

A deductible is the amount you pay before your insurance policy will help pay to repair or replace your vehicle. Many auto insurance policies require separate deductibles for comprehensive and collision coverage. You pay the deductible that applies to the type of claim you have.

When you review your auto insurance coverage, you can choose to set your deductibles lower or higher. If you set a lower deductible, you may pay a higher premium.

You may qualify for a discount on your car insurance.

There's more than one way to save money on your USAA Auto Insurance. You can take advantage of member discounts if you live on a military base,See note4 or you have a new vehicle.See note5 We also offer savings for having multiple policiesSee note6 and anti-theft devices,See note7 plus safe drivingSee note8 and more.

Explore more ways to save.

Have more questions or need to file a claim?

Filing a claim online is easier than ever, but we're here to help. Call 800-531-USAA (8722)([thats 210-531-]8722) if you have questions. Or visit our car insurance FAQ page to learn more about car insurance.