Stay safe during a tornado

We're here to help protect you before, during and after a natural disaster.

Here's a quick view of what to do before a natural disaster hits.

  •  Step 1 of 4  Create an evacuation plan.
  •  Step 2 of 4  Grab your survival kit.
  •  Step 3 of 4  Gather important documents.
  •  Step 4 of 4  Photograph your property.

Stay informed and help protect your family, pets and belongings.

Learn the difference between tornado watch and warning.

  • Tornado watch: Tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

  • Tornado warning: Seek safe shelter immediately. A tornado has been sighted or indicated by the National Weather Service Doppler radar or a reliable report.

Learn more ways to stay informed

Be ready to react.

Check the batteries in your weather radio. It's your best chance to stay safe since there's little warning of approaching storms.

Learn how to be ready

Know what to do outside.

Don't try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle. If you're confined to a car, keep your seatbelt on and don't get under an overpass or bridge. You're safer in a ditch or low-lying area.

If there's a safe building nearby, get inside immediately.

Protect your body by covering it with something like a blanket or coat. Cover your mouth with a cloth or mask to avoid breathing dust. Watch out for flying debris that can cause injury or death.

Know what to do inside.

Go to a basement, storm cellar or safe room. Remember your pets if time allows. Try to get to a small, interior room without windows, such as a closet or bathroom, on the lowest level of a sturdy building. Put as many walls between you and the outdoors as possible.

Learn what to do inside

Mobile Response Locations

We are no longer stationed with our temporary disaster sites at this time, but we're still here to help in your time of need. You can file and track a claim, real-time online, by selecting the "Claim" button on this page, speak with one of our qualified claims experts or for quick access to manage your USAA accounts all in one place, take a minute to download our USAA Mobile App.