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Why get computer and laptop insurance?

Discover the benefit of having electronics insurance coverage if you accidentally damage or lose your laptop, cell phone, tablet and other expensive devices.


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Reviewed by: Editorial contributors

In today's technology-driven environment, our computers, laptops, and other electronic devices are essential everyday items. We use them for work, school, banking, entertainment and fitness. They help us stay connected to family and so much more.

The odds are good that at some point you've either spilled something on your laptop or desktop computer. You may have misplaced your cell phone, cracked your smartwatch, or lost one of your valuable electronic devices.

When one of these unfortunate scenarios happens, chances are you'll be responsible for footing the bill to buy a new one or paying to repair the damaged one. But you don't have to be. USAA offers electronic coverage with a technology protection policy.‍ ‍ See note 1 Where available, this can be added to your homeowners insurance or renters insurance. This coverage includes computer insurance, laptop insurance, tablet insurance, and coverage for your gaming system, tablet such as an iPad® or Kindle, and even your cell phone.

What is laptop insurance?

Laptop insurance is just one part of USAA's technology coverage. The policy covers a variety of electronics to ensure your valuable tech devices are protected. Where available, technology insurance can be added as a supplement to your renters or homeowners insurance to fill the gap between what your policy does and doesn't cover. For instance, while laptop theft insurance is part of a standard renter's policy, damaging or losing your own laptop is not. Having technology coverage can help prevent the unexpected expense that comes with repairing or replacing a device.

What does it cover?

In simple terms, it helps protect you from yourself, which is something most of us can probably relate to and appreciate. This means that if you're at fault for accidentally damaging or losing your covered devices, we can help pay to repair or replace them with USAA's technology coverage.

Plenty of people lose their phones Opens in a New Window.‍ ‍ See note 2 They're left at restaurants, on a bus or airplane, or even on the roof of their car. They're accidently dropped into the pool or mistakenly taken into the water at the beach. As such, if you lose or damage your phone in any of these situations, it's doubtful that the device will be recovered or work properly again. USAA's technology insurance can help offset the financial headache that comes with a damaged or lost phone.

What does it protect?

In addition to covering your laptop and desktop, a technology insurance policy may cover:

  • Smartphones like iPhone® and Android®.
  • Tablets such as iPad, Kindle and Fire.
  • Smartwatches.
  • Fitness trackers.
  • TVs.
  • Gaming consoles like Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch.
  • Drones weighing less than 10 pounds including accessories.
  • Personal digital assistants with or without cell phone capability.
  • Virtual reality equipment like Oculus and PSVR.
  • Electronic readers.
  • Digital media players.
  • Stereo systems or home theater equipment and related accessories.
  • Home networking equipment.

What's the deductible for laptop coverage?

Like the rest of your personal property, your homeowners or renter's insurance covers your computers, laptops and other electronics, but with limits. Those policies cover things like theft, vandalism, most weather-related damage and fire. But they don't protect your devices from the more common mishaps we're all too familiar with. Additionally, your homeowners insurance is likely going to have a higher deductible than a technology insurance plan. If you have a $1,000 or $2,000 deductible, it may not make sense to use your homeowners insurance to replace a covered device.

USAA may pay to help repair or replace your devices if you accidentally damage, lose, or break them with additional technology coverage. You'd just pay a $250 deductible. And when you stop to consider how easily these types of loss can happen, and how expensive it is to repair or replace these valuable items, it may be a wise decision to add extra coverage for your devices.

What if I live in a college dorm or barracks?

If you're not already covered with renters insurance, you should consider purchasing a policy, especially if you live on base, post, or in a college dorm.

Currently serving in the military? With USAA, if you live on base, in barracks or in military dorms, service members save up to 28%‍ ‍ See note 3 on a USAA Renters policy. Your personal belongings may still be covered with insurance if you decide to move abroad or you're deployed overseas.‍ ‍ See note 4

Whether you're living on campus or on base, a standard renters insurance policy may help cover losses due to theft, which is the most common scenario. Where available, you can complement your standard renters coverage and help protect your finances from repairing or replacing lost or accidentally damaged devices with technology coverage. This helps ensure your electronic devices have the extra protection you need to stay connected.

Is extra insurance worth the cost?

Coming up with the cash and dealing with the hassle to repair or replace items that get damaged or lost can be a real strain, especially if you're on a tight budget, a service member on active duty, or a college student Opens in a New Window.‍ ‍ See note 2

Laptops can range from the $300 to $3000 ticket price. Desktop computers can cost similar. The extra protection and peace of mind you'll get from knowing your electronics may be covered is worth the cost of a supplemental insurance policy. Where available, you can add USAA technology coverage for your electronic devices for as little as 14 cents a day or about $5 per month.‍ ‍ See note 5 So let's say your high-end PC meets its end due to a game of dorm room football, you would be responsible for your deductible and the monthly cost of your policy. Likely a fair amount less than replacing your PC on your own.

Additionally, for as little as $2 per month, USAA also offers supplemental Valuable Personal Property (VPP) insurance.‍ ‍ See note 6 A VPP insurance policy can cover special items like your jewelry, some collectibles, guns, cameras, musical instruments and more.

Combined, USAA VPP insurance and a technology policy provide coverage for accidental damage and loss for items which may not be covered under your homeowners or renters policy.

Help protect your devices.

We're here to help you get the supplemental coverage you need to help protect your electronic devices and personal property against damage or loss.