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Life insurance for new parents: What you need to know

Starting your family? Here's some information new parents need to know about life insurance and how it can help protect themselves and their children.


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Reviewed by: Editorial contributors

Whether you're preparing to make an addition to your family or you've just had your first baby, one thing is certain: There's a lot on your mind. Finances is likely one of them. As a father of two, I remember those early, exhausting days.

Not only are you thinking about how much the hospital bill might be, but you're also budgeting for diapers and day care. That's all on top of navigating a new work schedule, where all of a sudden you feel squeezed between the pressure to perform and not having enough hours in the day.

Many new parents — both stay-at-home parents and working parents — share that feeling of financial stress. For good reason: The average cost of raising a child is more than $230,000, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Since 1960, the USDA has been tracking the cost of raising a child through the age of 17.

How would your family cover those expenses if something were to happen to you or your spouse? One of the best tools you have to protect your new little one is life insurance. In the event of a parent's death, life insurance can cover final expenses and contribute to all the costs associated with raising a child, including their college education, which isn't even included in the USDA's estimate.

And, just knowing that you own a life insurance policy can go a long way toward your peace of mind because you know you're doing all you can to protect your family.

Life insurance for parents

If you're shopping for a life insurance policy as a parent, you have plenty of options.

Start with your employer. If your company will let you opt in for free coverage that's included in your benefits package, you definitely want to take advantage of that.

In most cases, that's not enough.

You'll also want to purchase a stand-alone policy, which will give you the protection you need and will remain in place, even if your employment situation changes.

Policy types include term insurance, permanent life insurance or a combination of the two.

30-year-term insurance is a common choice for people just starting out. It typically provides a higher amount of coverage for every dollar you spend.

Term premiums either increase annually or stay level for a certain period. As long as you pay your premiums, your coverage stays intact until the policy's scheduled expiration date, or until you decide you no longer need insurance.

On the other hand, permanent insurance offers a potential for lifetime protection, as well as cash value accumulation. Although it can take a larger chunk of your monthly budget, the cash value can be considered an asset.

Both life insurance options typically add on a small amount of protection for any children in the household. This add-on is called a child rider.

Depending on your financial priorities you may also want to consider setting up a stand-alone life insurance policy on your child. Insuring your children now can help protect their future insurability and get them off to a solid financial start.

How to determine the right amount of life insurance for parents

When you choose life insurance, you want to be sure the death benefit will meet your needs. Ready to make a life insurance plan? For guidance, use USAA's Life Insurance Calculator.

The L.I.F.E. acronym can also help to determine how much you need:

L   Liabilities. How much money would it take to clear your family's debts?

I   Income. How much money would it take for your family to meet their current monthly expenses if they lost your income or had to replace your contributions to the household?

F   Final expenses. Consider funeral costs, final medical expenses or other cash needed to help with immediate costs realized at your death.

E   Education goals. How much would your children need for future education expenses?

Consider whether there are any funds currently available for your family to offset these needs. This can be existing savings or other life insurance policies.

What life insurance does USAA offer for new parents?

USAA believes that when considering life insurance, the focus isn't on your death; rather, it's on the life of those you care about who rely on you. We understand that as a new parent, this responsibility couldn't ring truer.

So, although there's been a lot that has changed in your world, one thing that hasn't is USAA's dedication to serving your financial needs. That's why we offer a full suite of life insurance products to meet a variety of goals.

Help protect your growing family.