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Travel trailer insurance for your adventures

Members save 5% on coverage through our alliance with Progressive.‍ ‍ See note 1

What’s travel trailer insurance?

Travel trailer insurance is a type of RV insurance. It helps protect recreational trailers you tow behind your car or truck.

The USAA Insurance Agency works with Progressive to help you make sure you have travel trailer coverage that fits your needs.

Do you need insurance on a travel trailer?

It’s not required by law. If you’re financing your trailer, your lender may require you to have comprehensive and collision coverage.

To get these, you may be able to add your travel trailer to your USAA auto policy. However, you’ll get more protection with travel trailer insurance.

Coverage options for your trailer

Collision and comprehensive

Collision coverage helps repair or replace your trailer after an accident, no matter who’s at fault. Comprehensive can cover damage from weather-related events, theft, vandalism and more.

Roof Protection Plus®

If your trailer is less than six years old, this helps repair or replace your roof if it’s damaged from wear and tear. It can also pay to repair your towing vehicle if your trailer’s roof causes damage.

Pest Damage Protection‍ ‍‍ ‍SM

This can pay to repair damage caused by birds, mice or other non-domesticated animals.

Total loss replacement

If your trailer’s a year old and totaled after a covered event, we'll pay for a brand new one. If it’s five years or older, we’ll give you the amount listed on your policy’s declarations page.

Protection for your finances

Vacation liability

Your policy could pay if you’re responsible for someone’s injuries in or around your parked travel trailer while you’re on vacation. The minimum coverage limit is $10,000. You can raise the limit up to $500,000.

Full timer’s liability

If you use your trailer as a permanent residence, this could help if you’re responsible for someone’s injuries in or around your parked trailer. You set the coverage limit.

Why get a policy through the USAA Insurance Agency?

Our agency has long-standing relationships with many insurance providers. We monitor those alliances to make sure they meet our standards of customer service and financial stability.

We've worked closely with Progressive for more than 30 years. You can get help from specially trained representatives who'll serve you at the level you expect by calling 800-809-1925.

What you need to get a travel trailer insurance quote

We’ll need this info to help make sure you get the right coverage:

  • Make and model
  • Where you keep the trailer
  • Current value or bill of sale


How much is travel trailer insurance?

Premiums can start around $500 a year, but your cost depends on several factors. They include things like the kind of trailer you have, how you use it, your location and how much coverage you get.

Ways to get cheaper travel trailer insurance

USAA members get 5% off their coverage.‍ ‍ See note 1 Here are just a few other discounts‍ ‍ See note 2 to help lower your cost.

Original owner discount

Lower your premium if you’re the original owner of your travel trailer.

Prompt payment discount

Get a discount just for making your payments on time.

Claim-free renewal discount

If you have no at-fault claims, we’ll lower your rate when your policy renews.

Travel trailer insurance FAQ

A USAA auto policy could provide limited coverage for your trailer only if you already insure another vehicle.

  • Liability, personal injury and medical payments to others: This coverage automatically extends to your trailer when you tow it. You don’t have to add your trailer to your auto policy.
  • Collision and comprehensive: If a vehicle you already insure on the USAA policy has these, you can get coverage for your travel trailer. To do this, you’ll need to add it to your policy as another vehicle.

But auto insurance won’t cover your trailer if you use it for business or as a permanent residence.

Travel trailer insurance can offer broader coverage options, including:

  • Coverage for your personal belongings inside your trailer.
  • Extra liability protection where you live, work and play.
  • Uninsured and underinsured motorist protection.
  • Pet injury coverage.
  • Roadside assistance.
  • RV association fee coverage.
  • Emergency expense coverage if your trailer breaks down.