CheckProtect® is a delivery method that provides secure packaging and order tracking. It's included at no charge when you order our free check options and can be purchased for other check designs.
You can select any starting check number that you haven't already used for your account.
If you're ordering for your checking account, you can choose from a variety of designs. Additional fees may apply.
Using our digital self-service option, you can update the address where the check order will be sent, but not the address shown on your personal checks. To update the address shown on the checks, you'll need to contact us at 800-531-USAA (8722) for assistance.
If the address in your personal profile is updated, it'll appear on your new check order.
You'll need to contact us at 800-531-USAA (8722) for assistance.
Yes. We offer free standard checks in blue or tan, which come with free CheckProtect® order tracking. Other designs and features are available but cost extra.
Yes. Any checks you order will match what's on your account.