What does landlord insurance cover?
It helps protect places you own but rent out to others. In most locations, you can get up to 10 policies, one for each property.
USAA Rental Property Insurance, also called landlord insurance, can give you coverage for unexpected things like lawsuits and lost rental income.
If you have long-term tenants or regularly rent your property through vacation rental sites like Airbnb or Vrbo®, you could benefit from landlord insurance.
What isn’t covered?
It usually won't cover things like wear and tear, your tenants' stuff, or damage caused by floods, pets and other animals.

Repair or replace old stuff at today’s cost.
Landlord insurance comes with replacement cost coverage. See note 2
That means, for example, if your old oven has covered damage, your policy can pay the value of what the same make and model would go for today. You just pay your deductible.

Get wildfire response at no extra cost.
The USAA Wildfire Response Program could help protect your rental property from active wildfires. Our providers monitor for threats and send certified firefighters to help prevent losses.
You’ll need to have an active USAA Rental Property or Homeowners Insurance policy. If your rental is located in a state covered by the program and it’s an eligible type of dwelling, we'll automatically enroll you.